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this was really nice but I wish I could find a way to give him a happy ending


It kills me every time he dies it's lik a part of my just died!!!!!!!


Oh, and PLEASE add a download version.

I really don't trust my fire fox demon of a browser to allow me to play consistently.

And I might want to try again, once I overcome the frustration of having to go back to the beginning because there is no save button.


Awww.... He's so cute. xD
I totally get his problem too. That sucks so much... *pats Zilas*
He needs to watch his keys tho. lol

This game seriously need a save button tho.

But the artwork is really good.

I don't get the mc at all.
Their personality is completely alien to me. o_O
Why can't you just tell them that if they feel bad, just do something to make it up to you?
All this reassurance shit is giving me mental diabetes. >_>

I actually like his look better in the non-CG/closeup pictures.

Also: He's a dork. But I don't like nice-guys as a rule, so that's not really anything against the game.

*internet crashed when I was playing*

.....aaaand THIS is why people need a Save button. *sigh*

I seems like a good enough game, but I really can't be bothered to restart from scratch every time something goes wrong.

Haven't had this happen before either, so you may wanna check if it's the game that's the problem.


Silas is a braindead dork, but I suppose he gets by on his

it won't let me play the game😭so it's prolly a bug or something 


OH MY GOD... i feel so bad for laughing but that genuinely caught me so off guard holy shit... Great game though I will say! I only got one ending so far but that was amazing, the suddeness of the end where he hangs himself is really shocking but I enjoyed it nonetheless. That being said DO NOT IGNORE THE CONTENT WARNING! I hadn't looked at it like the dumbass I am, though I'm not too sensitive to this stuff. Can't wait to get the other endings, again great game I WILL be drawing him and giving him lots of love mwah.

(1 edit) (+3)

did anyone else noticed how the little ghost thing thats hanged near his window, kinda foreshadows the situation in one of the endings TnT

Whaaaaat where!?!?!??!


tentei jogar pelo celular e pelo Tablet no celular não aparecia o teclado para responder o início onde pedia meu nome no jogo e pelo Tablet da erro e não da para iniciar o jogo (o jogo é só para computador?)

(1 edit) (+10)

Is there any ending where he doesnt die?? 


I felt bad at the end. At first everything was good. I felt that he was a very lovely person. But in the end I got a scene with him. I'd better not say.(T-T) But of course, this game is very good. It made my heart beat fast.


BRUH I don't know if I should cry, laugh or what ToT AAAAA, JAW ON THE FLOOR. PLEASE don't ignore the warning like I did ;v; This game got me good and I will never recover. But seriously I love this even more with the horror elements, am I the only one?


im sobbing, i need this himbo to have a good ending with Player so bad... he's become a comfort character now....


Ok someone tell me has this game been completed now or still in development? Are there more endings now?


ahhhh.. I'm so sad!! we need an ending where we stop him!! pleasee!!


i wanted to see the end and like yeah and like the URGE to be able to have a skip button is making me crazy.

I LOVE THE WAY THIS GAME LOOKSSSS but i cant play since theres no download option (my wifi doesnt work at home) i hope itll work soon i cant wait to playyy

the fact my wifi came back is insane yay


i don’t know if it’s just me, but i can’t seem to even log in to the game. im on mobile and it won’t let me write a username, name or influencer name on the login page. it’s probably just a me problem, as the krybkard wont show up for ehatever reason, but it’s kind of saddening.


No it's not just you T^T it happens to me too, and I'm on mobile too. I think I said smth about it a while ago here

 tbh i just want a photo of the cat

Why is the cat so cute
guys, how can i stop being allergic to cats i want one so baddd

Really enjoying so far!! Noticed a typo for the word "sponsorships" here, fyi.

I haven't played yet I just came to say that I'm shocked at the warning for jumpscares and disturbing content LIKE THIS GAME LOOKS SO CUTESY AND THE WEBSITE FOR IT DOES TOO?? HOW. Im so excited to find out


Well that was more sad than anything IS THERE ANY ENDING WHERE HE DOESNT DIE??


guys i literally just created an account for this game i wwant him to be alive so bad hes so sweet and i lkiterally cried bro but i love this game sm and i think it was 100% well made and i want more............


This game its truly fantastic, its beautiful HOWEVER. If you think this its a cute romance otome, it's not. It's a horror analogic game, and it let me with a bad taste in my mouth after the first ending. The good thing it's that I saw the TW and I read some reviews. The worst thing of this game it's that it come so abrupt, and it pass like a "cute romance game" that everyone fell into that trap. Yes, it got Trigger warning but it so hidden that many people didn't even read it in the first should have something that gives to the player the hint that it's an horror game, a traumatic one. Its a good game if you want to be traumatized which it's great, but many of us came looking for a cute game, and when we saw the aesthetic, and not even a little message that told us its an horror and traumatic one instead, it let many of us in shock. It's so abrupt. 

You guys made an awesome game, i truly loved it. However i think a bigger message of what the game it's about instead of hiding the plot twist and passing the game like a lil cute game would be truly better and the players would be able to enjoy the game like what it is : an psychological horror game with some sensitive topics and 0 happy ending. Those endings are abrupt,traumatic but realistic, and i truly love that dark perspective instead of "everyone's happy" but, it's so shocking founding it in the hard way, instead of knowing since the beggining. 


OMG! THE ENDING! I literally just sat there JAW ON THE FLOOR omg my shaylaaaaa


This genuinely had me crying, I wasn't prepared for that-

I was hoping to see a good end and got hit with more trauma 😭😭


at first i was like "oh...this game is actually cute the disclaimer is actually not accurate loll" and after ending this it  was traumatizing!like dudeee lierally dont judge a book by itss coverrrrrrrr!




i only did one ending and we ended up stabbing him but why ?? I don't understand and i'm scared of doing the others endings now. I'm litterally crying in my bed. I was getting so attached to him, He was so so cute and our relationship with him was so good.. I don't think i'll recover from that. (and yeah fortunately i read the TW before playing. But i wasn't ready for that..) 


I play games on my phone, and when I create an ID, the keyboard doesn't appear, so I don't know how to use it. 


PLZPLZPLZ if you are going to play this game READ THE CONTENT WARNINGS!!! I didn't and I very much regret it


get this game to 5k rating to see our boy healthy and well </3


amazing game,the details and are art are stunning, also very cool concept, it would be amazing if a good end was added but that diesn't change the fact that this game is amazing!i recommend it a 100%


I was just gonna have a nice day- play a cute game, NOPE- you don't know how HARD my heart dropped when I played and found out he had hung himself :( I was in so much disbelief-

amazing game though


love this game when i first played it but if i replay it i will cry knowing what happens i still want one good ending where he lives




Are there no good endings at all?? Omg thats heartbreaking


bro what the heck i was already getting attached to him and they come to me with this? 😭😭😭


im so confused why did we stab him? whats the point

(1 edit) (+5)

MAJOR SPOILERS as explained in the conversation with the cat (pretty sure it appears after obtaining all endings or in the suicide one,not sure) he actually died in the cold and made a deal with the cat to propose and spend a few days with his one and only, the sudden madness that made Y/N stab him was the cat forcing us

(1 edit) (+4)

Loved the game and the voice acting, and the art style... but the first ending I got - 😭😭💀 I'm afraid to replay now for the other endings... 

*edit* Still love Jenny Vi Pham's games though! 🩷🧡💛💚🩵💜



before playing the game i accidentally checked the first few comments so i was spoiled but i'm still so bummed about how sad it is AGRHRRGR I STILL LOVE THE GAME THO KUDOS TO EVERYONE WHO WORKED ON THIS


This made me so sad when he hung himself 😭 There needs to be a good ending 😭😭😭


how you break my heart 3 times </3

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