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why is the bad ending the player setting a boundary?? embarrassing



won't open on my mac :(


windows is better


i’d rather burn in hell for all eternity than get a windows. why would you even comment that


womp womp


your mom is pregnant with my son


Cry abt it womp womp


omg you’re literally a virgin loser freak who spends their entire days commenting in itch.up threads 😭 gth

did you try going to the privacy settings and allowing the laptop to open the game anyway? it has something to do with the developer being unknown

yeah it just wouldn’t open period 


I'm going to cry cause the DLC Day 5 got paid for and downloaded by accident on my Chromebook and it's not compatible with this device so the 5$ is just gone (thanks to my cousin) now I'm trying to get my money back;-;

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J'ai beaucoup aimé ce jeu en plus en plus avec une langue en français trop rare beaucoup de jeu sont en anglais merci d'avoir traduit le jeu en plusieurs langues. J'ai beaucoup apprécier et j'ai  eu la bonne fin du premier coup trop contente , merci pour ce jeux magnifique.

I can't call him. Somehow the button doesn't work. What did I do wrong?


the call button isnt suposed to work! its part of the game. b micah has to call you first in order for you to answer


how to view all the fanarts in the game??

Hacking the other users on the screen at the left ( the messaging screen I think it's called)

howw tho


this is a link to a playthrough of the whole game, check 58:58, similar to what they do, we need to hack all of the people in our friend list so as to get all the fanarts and other stuff


Thank you all for making it available on playstore because I have a acer chromebook and it bugs out when trying to do developer mode,I hope you all have a happy holiday.


i do like this, however it feels like a forced rushed love, essentially lovebombing to be honest. he don't even know me like that and he's saying he loves me??? woahh, but the visuals are really good tbh



First of all, loved the game since release and love Day 5! Hope you see this but is it just me or when playing the Day 5 DLC that the typed in name reverts to loser but the spoken name is kept to what the player chooses?

(2 edits) (+6)

For those who are experiencing problems opening the game through MAC, I suggest following these steps that I used to make it work. 

- Download the base game

- Right-click on the Error143 game file that you have downloaded

- Click Show Package Contents

- Click the Contents folder

- Click the MacOS folder

- This will show you a couple of files called Error143, librenpython.dylib, python, pythonw, zsync, zsyncmake

- Notice how the librenpython.dylib file is shown as a black box with the words exec in green in it. This is how these files are supposed to look like. The other files are not correct (looks like a white page)

- To fix the other files you must open the MacBook terminal

- Type in chmod +x (make sure there is a space after the x)

- Grab the Error143 file and drag it to the MacBook terminal

- Hit enter

- The file should now turn into the black box with the green text in it. That is how you know you have done it correctly

- Repeat with the other incorrect files

-Once done, exit out and open the game up like normal. It'll take a little bit but it should open. 

Godspeed fellow MacBook users 🫡


ur the best,,,i appreciate u so much


here is vid tutorial

Gotta make sure EVERYONE gets to experience Micah ASAP. I would have my fangirl card instantly revoked otherwise lMAO 🫡


Omggg you are a life saver!! It worked and now I can enjoy the game and DLC


(1 edit)

u r an angel from above ily

Hi, there is no mac file for the game right now? 

Been trying to download and follow instructions for mac but the game wont open at all. Even bought the dlc here in itch that cant even be used then. 

Files needs to be checked again as other games im able to go in with no issues  

(1 edit) (+1)


(sorry for bad english)

Vou roubar a gata dele

I just realized that there is poster of mysta rias in his room lmao, does he like Luxiem? 

Anyway, the game feels pretty short :'(

I wish it was longer. He is so cute, i cant. 

(2 edits)

Omg the window scene i was lokey crying 


his personality strongly reminded me of xyx ngl 


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i hv a type it turns out.......


I remember seeing the creator on TikTok. He programed him to say people's names if they donated.


i love the visual art of this geme look adorable!


SO SO SO CUTEEE AHHHH i love LOVE LOVEE enemies to lovers :,)) i loved all the lighthearted parts where they goofed off tgt and the sometimes serious parts where they connected with each other :,(


Someone recommended this....

Boys Boys and more Boys style fantasy, and I am here to conquer it with all the homo 🗿


Holy shit this was heavenly- a lil cringe, SLIGHTLY, but not much. This shit was beautiful and felt real, I found myself relating to how MC acts, and while Micah is a lil lame dork, I ADORE THIS MAN DEBDUEINU(WNDI@E BRO I MEAN HES SO PRECIOUS FUCKING STOP UGH ID GIVE A KIDNEY IF I COULD


The first time that I ever played E143 was over a year ago I think now, but I still love Micah a much as from the first day I met him. Thank you for creating the love of my life Jenny <33


also!! any update on his plusie?? (only if your able to give one ofc!!)


Coming out on the 15th! in 7 days!


Hey there! I just wanted to say that I absolutely adored this game! It was so incredibly cute and sweet, and I had such a great time playing it. I'm actually a bit of a newbie when it comes to messenger-style otome games like this one (I haven't played Mystic Messenger yet, can you believe it?), but this one really won me over. I actually bought it on Steam and have replayed it so many times since then! I seriously can't get enough of it. I'd give it a solid 10/10 rating - especially for all the hilarious moments in between. Thank you so much for creating such a fun and wonderful game! <3


Please, for the love of god, release more. I need more of this man






moon lover? jst like me fr. (i fucking loved this man. :'3)

Good game <3

(1 edit) (+3)

I played this game a few days after it's release (so it's been a year since I played, meaning this is a replay) , I played it several times on my Ipad because of the fact that I could not stop myself from playing this game; In fact, I played this game before I downloaded on, making it my first ever game played on this site

I remember when people wouldn't stop about the day 6-9 prototype, And I know it might be the case because there are still no updates so I'll be waitingg

Literally one of the best games, please make a 6-9 day release


I'm in love with this game! You did such a grate job, can't wait for the full version of the game to come out!


ive been wondering if they're ever gonna release any more endings?? can someone help plzz??


Yes! On December 15th!

idk if i am the only one but my game buggs so much and i cant even start. i re-installed it multiple times, from steam, but same issue QAQ  i wanna play it so bad on my pc 


hes a keeper yall he lovves the mooon


Игра просто потрясающая! Но, к сожалению, я не могу пройти его до конца. На второй день, когда мне нужно нажать на иконку для звонка, у меня ничего не заводится. Мне очень грустно (T~T)

конечно, уже прошло 6 месяцев, но если Вы ещё хотели бы продолжить играть - Вам нужно сменить язык на английский, и после этого Мика удалит историю чата и Вы сможете нажать на его иконку. Я проверил - при игре на русском даже после удаления им истории чата на иконку нажать нельзя. Такой вот баг. После захода в гч можете смело обратно ставить русский и всё будет работать стабильно!




Naw this game is so good but i wished there was more endings yk? But still love the game and the storyline is great plus the voice actor is amazing!


143 I love you!




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