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im so sad i have to pay for day 5. i only got 25 cents in the cashapp rn.


What's day 6? I can't get it

this was sooooooooo good! i loved his personality sm , he feels like someone id date irl 


so the bad ending is just us setting boundaries?

Kinda? It felt more to me like we made a joke then went back on on the joke being okay once he added on.


stray kids song 143 ??????!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

i was like this close to fucking losing my shit because i couldn't download it with my crappy chromebook and i cried for a few minutes then i scroled a little and saw i could download it in the app store all this time and but the tears were worth it for him ;'

wholesome. micah yujin is the love of my life

cara como posso dizer que esse jogo é simplesmente maravilhoso demais?! O Micah é precioso demais, os cenários, a dublagem e A MUSICA OMG... Estou simplesmente viciada em Only you com a voz do Micah aAAAAAAA apaixonada demais. E arte maravilhosa??? Não dá pra esquecer como é tudo lindo demais, a personalidade do Micah é tão PERFEITA cara, eu ri tanto das piadas horríveis e dele simplesmente caindo da cadeira, porque eu claramente faria tudo isso. Não sei mais como elogiar essa obra de arte de game 🥺🥺🥺🤏💖

i can't click the files :< som1 help please

 I love the character designs visual novels


I feel so good game, I am afraid to give him a hit cool …


in the words of squidward "oh no hes hot"




I love the game. After I played it in school one of my friends made me laugh so hard I snorted in front of my crush. Pure embarrassment.

(1 edit)

Если у кого-то, кто проходит на русском, во втором дне не появляется значок гч на иконке Мики:

1. Заходите в настройки

2. Переключаете язык на английский(для этого не нужно перезагружать игру, язык сразу сменится)

3. После этого возвращаетесь туда, где игра залагала и всё должно вернуться в норму. Просто нажимаете на иконку Мики после того как он удалит историю чата

4. После захода в гч можете тут же смело возвращать язык на русский

Не видел, чтобы кто-то до этого писал об этом, поэтому решил сам это сделать. Надеюсь кому-то если что это поможет! (не уверен, есть ли этот баг при игре на остальных языках, помимо английского, естественно, но если и там баг есть то можете тоже попробовать этот способ)

For the game's authors: the game is great, but there is a bug in the second day when you play in Russian. Mika endlessly writes various lines, the chat history is not deleted by him and, accordingly, it is impossible to continue playing. I would like the bug to be fixed if possible. In addition, there is simply no button to start voice chat on his icon and it does not appear when you hover the mouse over it.

(1 edit) (+1)

How do I get a different ending? (Nevermind, I figured it out.)

so adorable!!!


i accidentally got the proposal ending first try- idk how lol, and the blooming panic easter eggs were the greatest way to start the game (if you set your username to one of the blooming panic love interests (aside from toasty, his is too long), you get some special dialogue before the game starts/continues as usual, i found this bc i had just finished yet another blooming panic playthrough, and set my username to nightowl bc why not, and just experimented a bit from there lol)


I like him very much!Like a cute puppy~

i love him sm


I LOVE HIM SO MCVUCH i dont know how many times ive drew him in homestuck merch or in homestuck styele (BECAUSE ERROR 413!!!!!!!!! GET IT??????) ANYWA YS HES SO PREEYE I love hom OH FYF SO squishes him hthightly in my arms <3<3<3<3


i need him 


The love interest is super cute but it was just super boring to me..

I just couldn't get into it :(

(1 edit) (+6)

I loved this game!! Only thing is that sometimes stuff felt like it was going a little too fast, but still super cute and really good quality.


okay micah is adorable but why is he writing me a song after 3 days? why does he confess so soon?? does he even know me? he's such a lovebomber AND a hopeless romantic. (still like him tho, i just wish it wasn't SO FAST,,)

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Micah is such a wonderful character. I love how openly silly he is and I love a guy who loves cats and has fangs. Plus, his voice is just amazing. All in all, a nice sweet little VN.



alright brothers, i'm petty. how do i win the rematch, what do i put.


You put in 'Marry me' :3 I got it before




But seriously, everything about this visual novel is perfect.

1.) The chatroom style layout.

2.) The music!!!

3.) Micah Yujin of course!

4.) The fact that Micah is the complete opposite of other ML's in visual novels who are plain out rude, standoffish, or so obsessive (yandere or not) to the point that it comes off as suffocating.

5.) SKRUNKLY THE CAT. That's it.

I ABSOLUTELY NEED to see more of my favorite annoying hacker in the future. KEEP IT UP!!


this game crashed my laptop lmao


guys , i failed to comprehend how can i delete saved data from itch games , it's been weeks since i discovered the sweet genre games called visual novels , anyway , i'm in need of a detailed explanation of how to delete the saved data from my laptop , i'll start by saying that most of the ppl i asked told me of the same way which is to :

( navigate to C:\Users\[PCNAME]\AppData\Local and delete the Artifact folder) 

 yet it didn't work and i wasn't prepared to get attacked for asking further explanation so i'll just ask here and there until a kind soul answers me !


The Mysta Rias poster got me crying

I've been replaying this game so many times,, but god, I can't stop it with micah's voice <33


It doesn't get any better otome game than this, it fills the void of no man in reality, thank you for your work and your team's effort

unbeatable gam i swear. No others like this on, i love it!! 10/10 game- so sad im done with the game </3


Why is this bitch so petty. i should of won that stupid hacking thing so now im not falling in love im leaking his ip address.

maybe im the petty one :B

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